Anaerobic Digester North West of Tregeen

Planning permission is being sought for the installation of an anaerobic digestion facility, together with associated works, plant and equipment on land North West Of Lower Tregeen, Davidstow:

Here are some extracts from the proposal’s Planning, Design & Access Statement:

Anaerobic digestion is a natural process which converts organic matter such as digestible waste (e.g. food, garden waste, farm slurry) and energy crops into energy. The main products resulting from anaerobic digestion are biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide), which is very similar to natural gas, and digestate, a bio-fertilizer. The biogas can be used to generate electricity, gas or heat, or compressed for use as a biofuel.

The farm already has permits for 75,000 t/year of feedstock to be brought to the existing structures, from where it is then stored and ultimately deployed via the surrounding farmland. This existing feedstock supply will be used for the AD Plant. The route (A39) and maximum volume of permitted feedstock will not change as a result of this application, so there would be no increase to the existing traffic generation on the surrounding roads. 1.9 The proposed development therefore offers the benefits of harvesting renewable energy and high-quality bio-fertilizer from existing supply material, using existing transport routes with no amenity impacts and predominantly permitted structures.

One Reply to “Anaerobic Digester North West of Tregeen”

  1. The planning application for an anaerobic digestion facility at Lower Tregeen has been approved with numerous conditions:

    Perhaps the most welcome for local residents is this one?

    8) An odour mitigation plan shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be fully implemented before the use commences. The agreed odour mitigation plan shall be maintained thereafter.

    Reason: To avoid significant odours that would be harmful to residential/public amenity in accordance with Policies 13 and 16 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 -2030 adopted 2016.

    Let us hope that a similar condition is placed on any ultimate approval for the new Dairy Crest waste water treatment plant!

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