Davidstow Parish Church
Please note there will be no service at Davidstow Parish Church on Sunday 27 January 2019.
Farewell Lunch at the Wilsey on Sunday 3rd February 2019 at 12.30 pm
Sadly we lose our parish priest, the Rev Deryn Roberts, in February forced into retirement by the rules of the church. She has served the parish since her appointment at St Nonnas in 2014. Though only a handful attend church at this time, she will have touched the lives of some of you in times of gladness and sadness.
As a token of our love and respect a farewell lunch has been arranged by the Moorland Group of Churches at The Wilsey to which you are invited to attend. The carvery main course will be subsidised, you pay for desserts and drinks. The Wilsey needs to know numbers by NOON on FRIDAY 25TH JANUARY.
Please contact either Bill or Ann if you would like to attend. Contact details as follows:
Bill Pearce – Tel 01579 370004 / Mobile 07788 410412 / email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Ann Hayne – Tel 01840 261236 / Mobile 07786 382560 / email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Anaerobic Digester North West of Tregeen
Planning permission is being sought for the installation of an anaerobic digestion facility, together with associated works, plant and equipment on land North West Of Lower Tregeen, Davidstow:
Here are some extracts from the proposal’s Planning, Design & Access Statement:
Anaerobic digestion is a natural process which converts organic matter such as digestible waste (e.g. food, garden waste, farm slurry) and energy crops into energy. The main products resulting from anaerobic digestion are biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide), which is very similar to natural gas, and digestate, a bio-fertilizer. The biogas can be used to generate electricity, gas or heat, or compressed for use as a biofuel.
The farm already has permits for 75,000 t/year of feedstock to be brought to the existing structures, from where it is then stored and ultimately deployed via the surrounding farmland. This existing feedstock supply will be used for the AD Plant. The route (A39) and maximum volume of permitted feedstock will not change as a result of this application, so there would be no increase to the existing traffic generation on the surrounding roads. 1.9 The proposed development therefore offers the benefits of harvesting renewable energy and high-quality bio-fertilizer from existing supply material, using existing transport routes with no amenity impacts and predominantly permitted structures.
Change is in the Air by Rev. Deryn Roberts
One thing that’s certain about life, I have found over the years, is that no matter what we do, we have no control over the passage of time. Age will inevitably catch up with us – and it is now catching up with me.
The Church of England, in its wisdom, has decreed that its ministers must retire when they reach 70 years of age. All things being equal, I will reach this milestone at the beginning of February 2019.
So, my friends, following discussions with Archdeacon Audrey Elkington and Bishop Chris, I can now confirm that my last Sunday in the Cornish Moorland Benefice will be 3rd February.
Details of services on that day will follow in due course.
Lower Tregeen Wind Turbine
A planning application has been made to repower an existing wind turbine at Lower Tregeen, Davidstow Camelford PL32 9XU. The application requests a maximum blade tip height of 77m, together with associated works, to replace a wind turbine permitted and erected under PA13/09438:
The proposed new wind turbine is somewhat larger than the one referred to in the 2013 application. That one was:
20m to hub, maximum 27.1m to tip, 20kW output
Poppy Appeal Walk on Saturday 17 November 2018
POPPY APPEAL WALK Saturday 17 November 2018 to 43rd Wessex Memorial for a wreath laying ceremony. Members of the public are invited. Meet at Roughtor Car Park at 10 am. Fee of £1 payable on the day to poppy appeal.
Suitable footwear and clothing. Well behaved dogs welcome. Refreshments available. Personal responsibility for accidents.
Poppy Appeal Organiser: 07977 568273
Military Wives Choir at Davidstow Church on 1 December
Surf’s Up at Black Rock
These images are from beyond the parish of Davidstow, but the long beach at Widemouth Bay is a mere 15 minutes drive up the Atlantic Highway for any visitors to the area:
This was the Magic Seaweed surf forecast that tempted us away from Tremail:
Despite my advanced age and the impressive waves I somehow managed to battle my way out back! I patiently bobbed about on my sponge waiting for the perfect set. Eventually it arrived and I was in the perfect place!
Then a young gun on a pointy thingumajig took off just inside me.
Davidstow Church at Camelford Show by Bill Pearce
For many years I have been a chronic insomniac – trouble sleeping at night. In our house the light and the telly are on all night; I spend most of the long hours in my study on my computer – browsing, reading the newspapers or playing Scrabble. Most nights I do sleep for a couple of hours or so on my recliner chair. The night before the Show, when I needed some sleep, it was particularly bad however – I remember seeing 5.00 am and then did drop off only for my alarm to go at 6.30 am. The last thing I wanted to do was to spend a day at the Show, but my mate was on his way to collect me so I had no choice When we arrived at the Showground the wind was blowing, rain seemed imminent, and there weren’t too many visitors around. Mid morning a huge black cloud did lash the Showground for several minutes, but then it cleared up, and we had visitors in number.
This year’s Show Presidents were two sisters, Camelford to the core, Madge and Sally Walkey (Moore). Congratulations to the Show Committee who could not have chosen two more worthy patrons. They toured the ground in a Land Rover Discovery driven by Preston Baker, accompanied by wife Fran. Honoured we were when the vehicle stopped outside our gazebo and I was able to exchange niceties with the two dear ladies and reminisce briefly with Sally who was a 5A class mate at Sir James’ way back in 1950. Keeping it in the family, soon after brother Johnny and his wife stopped by. Me being me I asked her her name and was momentarily confused when she replied Sally Walkey. She was of course the daughter of Bert Collins, the Butcher.
I have to admit my grey matter is in gradual decline and it bothers me when people stop for a chat and though I recognise the face I can’t recall the name. I have to excuse myself and usually make some bland statement about being old but still the right side of the grass’. Throughout the day I reckon a dozen or so stopped to reminisce on my time at Plymouth Argyle or with Cornwall Air Ambulance. It is always a dangerous occupation selecting individuals so I won’t fall into that trap. Having said that I will tell you of one visit which really pleased me. Brothers John and Percy Treleaven came and shook hands. We were at St Teath School back in the 1940’s.
We were busy walking memory lane when sister Marina arrived on the scene and gave me a heart warming hug. Couldn’t resist having a photograph taken with them. And a brief mention for Julian Harman, Branch Chairman Camelford Royal British Legion, and his colleagues who joined me for a photo call but for reasons known only to the camera the damned thing didn’t print.
Readers may be forgiven if they conclude this was a day release for Billy and his carer. There was of course a far more important reason for us being there as we have not one, but two Concerts in the next four months. On 13 October we welcome back the Callington Community Gospel Choir to be followed in December by the greatly anticipated Military Wives Choir and our main ambition was to promote these events. Along the way we sold a few Cornish Passports to help defray the costs of being there. Did we succeed? Unquestionably. How successful only time will tell. We sold tickets for the Military Wives Concert. With four months to go I personally had sold over 40. With less than 200 seats available this event is clearly on course to being an early “Sell Out”. On the day we distributed over 500 flyers and await a response to those. Admission to the Gospel Choir event is free.
Appreciation of fellow Churchwarden Ann Hayne, PCC Treasurer Reg Statton and Verger Edwin Dickinson who popped in to render their support.
A mention in dispatches for Robert. A major frustration of being 80+ is the loss of ability to do manual things and being reliant on others. Have worked with Robert, who lives in Plymouth, since 1988. He is always on call to help and single handed managed our event display. And a thank you to the missus for her support on the day.

At 6.30 am the day was a chore, twelve hours later I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. A generous plate of pork in a fruity BBQ sauce with rice at The Wilsey on the way home crowned a day to remember!