Camelford Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Beginning today Camelford Town Council are holding consultations on the Camelford Neighbourhood Plan. According to the Town Council web site:

The Town Council is organising a public consultation review to gather feedback on specific policies of the neighbourhood Development Plan -such as housing development, transport/infrastructure, employment, landscape and green spaces.

Whether you are an individual, resident or business this is your chance to let the council know what you think. The survey runs from the 30 May to midnight 11 July so please make sure you respond before this period closes.

You can submit your feedback online or by downloading the form and returning it to the Council. Just visit this page of our site to complete the form!

In order to read the proposed development plan you will need to go to the library or download it from the Town Council web site, which points out that:

Camelford Town Council has prepared a NDP for the period to 2018 – 2030. The NDP sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning proposals locally. In 2014, Camelford Town Council (CTC) appointed a local research company “PFA Research” to work with the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) team to devise a comprehensive consultation survey, to help understand the make-up of the town’s needs in order to prepare the NDP. This survey was sent to all households in the Parish and on the CTC website, followed by various drop-in events including the Camelford Carnival in 2015, the Camelford Show in 2016 and an on-line survey in 2017.

All this information was used by the NDP Team to outline the policies for a plan which CTC hope will address some key issues around housing, the economy/employment, transport/infrastructure, community facilities/amenities, landscape/green spaces and renewable energy.

Neighbourhood Plans are strengthened by public feedback, so it is really important that you have your say at this stage. During this period, CTC would be grateful for your comments. CTC will also consult developers, community organisations, adjoining parish councils, businesses, land owners and national organisation ( e.g. Natural England, South West Water, Environment Agency).


Thursday 30 May – Enfield Park, 2pm-4pm

Sunday 2 June – Clease Green, 2pm – 4pm

Thursday 6 June – 5pm – 6.30pm @ The Library

Tuesday 18 June – 5pm – 6.30pm @ The Library

Don’t say you haven’t been warned! Make sure to have your say before midnight on the 11th of July.

Davidstow Parish Council Election

Following the resignation of Keith Goodenough there is now a vacancy on Davidstow Parish Council. At least 10 residents of the parish have requested that an election be held, and if you wish to apply to fill the vacancy the necessary steps are detailed in this document from Cornwall Council’s returning officer, Kate Kennally:

Notice of election Davidstow Parish Council – 9 May 2019

The procedure is rather complicated!

Nomination papers can only be submitted in person on any day after the date of this notice, but not later than 4 pm on Tuesday 9 April 2019 to the following locations on the specified dates and times:-

2-5 April to the Deputy Returning Officer, Room 12, Cornwall Council, St Austell Information Service, Council Offices, 39 Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm and 9 April between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.00 pm

8 April to the Deputy Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officer, Otho Peter Room 1, Launceston Town Hall, Western Road, Launceston, PL15 7AR between the hours of 9.30 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday 9 May 2019.

Surfing Lusty Glaze in a February Heat Wave!

The images below are from beyond the parish of Davidstow, but Lusty Glaze beach just this side of Newquay is an easy drive from here for any visitors staying in the Davidstow area:

Apart from the rather bare beach that may look like the end of August but actually the pictures were taken on February 27th 2019, towards the end of the “heat wave” that produced the warmest English February temperatures since the United Kingdom’s Met Office records began:

However the water temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of North Cornwall are currently nowhere near those that will be achieved by the end of August! Hence my neoprene hood to keep the dreaded “surfer’s ear” at bay!

This was the Magic Seaweed north coast surf forecast for last Wednesday:

New Building at the Dairy Crest Waste Water Treatment Plant!

Dairy Crest have sent Cornwall Council a hybrid planning application comprising full planning permission for proposed upgrades to their existing creamery/factory, together with outline planning permission for proposed new buildings in relation to the waste water treatment plant, with all matters reserved. The address quoted on the application (ref: PA19/01034) is Dairy Crest, Blacka Lane, Davidstow, Camelford PL32 9XW

Given the assorted odours emanating on a regular basis from Dairy Crest’s existing waste water treatment plant I strongly suspect that Davidstow Parish Council and the Davidstow Residents Action Group will want to begin discussions with the Council in the very near future!

Anaerobic Digester North West of Tregeen

Planning permission is being sought for the installation of an anaerobic digestion facility, together with associated works, plant and equipment on land North West Of Lower Tregeen, Davidstow:

Here are some extracts from the proposal’s Planning, Design & Access Statement:

Anaerobic digestion is a natural process which converts organic matter such as digestible waste (e.g. food, garden waste, farm slurry) and energy crops into energy. The main products resulting from anaerobic digestion are biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide), which is very similar to natural gas, and digestate, a bio-fertilizer. The biogas can be used to generate electricity, gas or heat, or compressed for use as a biofuel.

The farm already has permits for 75,000 t/year of feedstock to be brought to the existing structures, from where it is then stored and ultimately deployed via the surrounding farmland. This existing feedstock supply will be used for the AD Plant. The route (A39) and maximum volume of permitted feedstock will not change as a result of this application, so there would be no increase to the existing traffic generation on the surrounding roads. 1.9 The proposed development therefore offers the benefits of harvesting renewable energy and high-quality bio-fertilizer from existing supply material, using existing transport routes with no amenity impacts and predominantly permitted structures.

Lower Tregeen Wind Turbine

A planning application has been made to repower an existing wind turbine at Lower Tregeen, Davidstow Camelford PL32 9XU. The application requests a maximum blade tip height of 77m, together with associated works, to replace a wind turbine permitted and erected under PA13/09438:

The proposed new wind turbine is somewhat larger than the one referred to in the 2013 application. That one was:

20m to hub, maximum 27.1m to tip, 20kW output

Surf’s Up at Black Rock

These images are from beyond the parish of Davidstow, but the long beach at Widemouth Bay is a mere 15 minutes drive up the Atlantic Highway for any visitors to the area:

This was the Magic Seaweed surf forecast that tempted us away from Tremail:

Despite my advanced age and the impressive waves I somehow managed to battle my way out back! I patiently bobbed about on my sponge waiting for the perfect set. Eventually it arrived and I was in the perfect place!

Then a young gun on a pointy thingumajig took off just inside me.