The draft minutes of the meeting between Saputo Dairy UK and representatives of the local community on March 23rd can be downloaded by clicking on this link.
The final line points out that the next meeting will take place on the 20th of April 2023 at 14:00 at Saputo’s Davidstow site, with remote attendance possible using Microsoft Teams.
November Parish Council Meeting
The November 2021 meeting of the Davidstow Parish Council has been scheduled for Monday November 1st at 18:00 at Pendragon Country House. More details are available on the Parish Council web site:
To decide planning applications:
1) PA21/09141 – Proposed Custom Build Home – Land south of Lower Trevivian
2) To authorise signing of a Deed with Lightsource BP for the provision of a community payment
All Welcome
Mid June Parish Council Meeting
Following the usual monthly meeting in the first week of June another Davidstow Parish Council meeting has been scheduled for Monday June 15th at 19:00 via a Zoom Conference call. More details are available on the Parish Council web site:
The agenda includes several planning applications:
If you wish to join the meeting / ask a question, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required or call 07859 419519
- Approval of minutes 2nd March, 11th May & 1st June.
- Planning application PA20/03751 | Hendra Farm Titchbarrow Hendra Road Camelford Cornwall PL32 9SQ Modification of planning obligation in respect of decision notice 2003/0726 dated 24.05.2004 – erection of detached farmhouse.
- Planning application: PA20/04186 Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use or Development: to confirm a material commencement was made in respect of planning permission reference PA15/11004 – Land At Lower Tregeen Davidstow Camelford Cornwall PL32 9XU.
- Approval of Parish Council Accounts 2019/2020.
- To decide Davidstow Council’s view of the Pendower Beach development.
- Saputo Update.
- Donations.
Item 3 refers to planning application PA15/11004, which gave permission for the:
Installation of a 5MW solar PV array, together with associated infrastructure and formation of temporary access track to serve the development.
June Parish Council Meeting
The next Davidstow Parish Council meeting will take place “virtually” at 19:00 on Monday June 1st via a Zoom Conference call. More details on the Parish Council web site:
There doesn’t seem to be an agenda available just yet however.
P.S. A trip to the village noticeboard revealed the agenda for Monday’s meeting:

It’s to discuss the planning application to construct “a solar farm and… a battery storage facility and underground electricity connection to Saputo Dairy UK”
Coronavirus Pandemic Mutual Support
Davidstow Parish Council have issued the following notice regarding the novel coronavirus pandemic:
The spread of Coronavirus is likely to have a significant impact on our community in Davidstow. Many individuals will have to self-isolate to keep themselves and others free from harm.
As a community we need to look out for and support our vulnerable neighbours and fellow residents. This may include:
• Shopping for essentials;
• Picking up prescriptions;
• Acting as a point of contact if they want advice, support or just a chat.If you can help this initiative by acting as a volunteer, please let us know by using either of the contact points below.
If you need help, please also contact us and we will do what we can to assist you.
IMPORTANT: If you need medical help, remember to contact NHS 111 if you need advice. If possible, contact the NHS on-line on Call 999 if it is an emergency / life threatening condition.
Contact points:Telephone 07859 419519
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Davidstow Parish Council
February Parish Council Meeting
Following the cancellation of January’s meeting of Davidstow Parish Council the agenda for the meeting at the Tremail Methodist Hall at 19:00 on February 3rd has been posted on the Parish Council web site.
It’s not very long, but it is very interesting. To yours truly at least!
1. Planning
PA20/00526 | Extension to the existing housing development providing continuation and completion with a detached three bedroom dwelling. | Plot 9, Kittows View, Hallworthy, Camelford, Cornwall PL32 9SH
2. Cornwall Governance Review
a) To decide on consultation arrangements for the proposed transfer of the remaining parts of Hallworthy into the Parish of Davidstow.
b) To review the decision to request an increase in the number of Parish Councillors.3. Saputo Update
4. Feedback from the Camelford Network meeting
All Welcome
I discovered about this week’s Camelford Community Network meeting just too late:
I'm aghast that I was previously unaware of this event. Was it open to "the general public"?
If so will there be another #ClimateEmergency discussion down the hill from #Davidstow at some point in the not too distant future?
— Jim Hunt (@jim_hunt) January 29, 2020
Maybe I’ll be able to discover what was said last Monday in the Methodist Hall next Monday?
Maybe I’ll also be able to discover why there was still a powerful pong when I cycled past Inny Vale earlier in the week, after Saputo (nee Dairy Crest) had allegedly already installed their new aeration system?
October Parish Council Meeting
Davidstow Parish Council is back to its regular schedule of meeting on the first Monday of each month.
As far as I can tell the agenda for the meeting on October 7th 2019 is still not available on the Parish Council web site, so I cycled to the noticeboard in Tremail and took this picture:
I shall certainly endeavour to attend the meeting, since I represented Tremail on the meeting between the Parish Council and Saputo (as Dairy Crest is now called) up at the “cheese factory” last week. Here’s a photographic record of my visit:
Earlier in the summer I also attended a meeting where Cornwall Council’s “Climate Change Action Plan” was discussed:
The county of #Cornwall recently declared a #ClimateEmergency. Today's discussions at the #Penryn campus of the @UniofExeter are subject to #ChathamHouseRules.
However I have received permission to publish the following images:#ClimateCornwall #ClimateChange
— Jim Hunt (@jim_hunt) June 5, 2019
That plan has now been published. According to the County Council web site:
As a Council we have a leading role to play in the climate emergency, but we cannot deliver these ambitious outcomes alone, we will need support from all of our residents – from our communities, businesses, schools, public sector partners, the voluntary sector and many more. You have an important role to play in making change happen, not just as residents but in your working lives too. This is just the start of the journey; please join us in tackling the climate emergency.
On Monday evening it will be interesting to discover what the Camelford area equivalent contains. At the very least I know that Claire Hewlett, the mayor of Camelford, is interested in what the Cornwall Council’s report refers to as “mak[ing] electric vehicles a viable option for many drivers”. She recently visited our courtyard here in Tremail to examine our fleet of electric vehicles and associated charging infrastructure. In the pouring rain!
June Parish Council Meeting
Davidstow Parish Council usually meets in the Tremail Methodist Hall on the first Monday of each month.
However whilst it’s not yet apparent on the Council web site have been reliably informed that the next such meeting has been postponed until Monday June 17th.